Tuesday, November 24, 2020

My new favorite jeans: ones that FIT!

When I saw Alison say this on her Instagram stories, it hit me hard. It's so true. I definitely have some health and fitness goals that I've been working on, on and off this year, but then there was pandemic stress eating, and election stress eating, and too much Halloween candy and instead of going DOWN a size like I was hoping, I went up a size! And guess what, it's OK. I can simultaneously want to take better care of my body and also want my pants to fit NOW. So yesterday I went to Goodwill and bought a few pairs of $5 pants that fit me and don't make me want to die when I wear them. At the beginning of the pandemic I went to Target for the same reason. My pre-baby jeans still didn't fit and I needed a bigger size. They weren't allowing use of the fitting rooms so I took a gamble and grabbed a pair I was hoping would fit. To my surprise when I tried them on later at home they fit like a glove! These pants had some serious sisterhood of the traveling pants potential.


So yesterday as I was perusing the Goodwill racks I was pleasantly surprised that the first pair I grabbed to look at were the EXACT same pants I'd bought back in April, but a size bigger. I was soooo happy!! These had become my favorite pants, until they got too tight of course, but now I could still have my favorite pants in a size that fit me. Win! I may have also gone to Target today and gotten another pair. I really don't want to hate my waist line this holiday season, so I got some pants that dang fit! Go get you some, too!

Links in case you want some sisterhood of the traveling pants, too!

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