Monday, September 28, 2020

You've Been Boo'd - Free Halloween Prints

Halloween is on the horizon, and with all of the changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought, there's no doubt Halloween will look a little different this year, too. 

I've been floating around Pinterest and Instagram looking for ideas to make it special and I stumbled upon a fun idea that invites people to "BOO" their friends or neighbors. It's not a new or flashy concept, I've seen variations of this for several other holidays as well, but in spite of that, the idea of "being Boo'd" was a new one for me! I've seen several different print outs and variations so I decided to add some of my own creation to the mix!

Just click the links below and you can print out your own! 

I can't wait to "Boo!" a few people in the next few weeks! Happy Halloween!

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