Wednesday, May 10, 2017

My Eyes Were Opened

"Where does the blonde hair come from," they ask. 

"Oh, his dad had blonde hair as a baby," I respond.

This is surprisingly the question I am most often asked regarding my son's appearance, but the funny thing is, I don't see it.

I forget that I have a blonde haired baby, because that is not what I see when I look at my son.

I see happiness.
I see sadness.
I see learning.
I see frustration.
I see fear.
I see strength.
I see growth.
I see opportunity.
I see fatigue.
I see hunger.
I see adventure.
I see comfort.
I see a future.
I see faith.
I see hope.
I see charity.
I see love.

I see love.

All of the cliches about love and understanding come to life the moment you become a parent. For the first time in my life I am able to understand and live what it means to love unconditionally. To look at a person and see past their outward appearance. I have always believed it and tried my best to live it, but I had to become a mother to truly understand.

One year ago today, my eyes were opened.

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