Monday, January 26, 2015


So I guess now that I finally finished documenting my summer travels, it's time to move on to "real life" and "real time" Mary Katherine. 

I am feeling so grateful and so humbled.

Saturday I released my first official song as Mary Katherine on my Soundcloud and Youtube.  I was overwhelmed with all of the positive feedback that my family and friends gave me.  

However, I know going into this field it's not always going to be like that, but it has really made for a good start.  

Solitude is a song about needing to be alone.  Not the bad kind of solitude, but the tranquil, relaxing, desperate plea for I-need-some-time-away-from-the-world kind of solitude. I think I felt that this summer as I traveled the world with the person I care about the most.  Being away from people you see everyday, even though you love them, you just need some space. I'm a self-diagnosed "highly sensitive person" (but really, read the link if you want a description of my personality) and I think that causes me to have that desperation for silence and meditation more often than others.  I write my best thoughts down after sitting in silence for a good amount of time.  It's the best reflecting time. 

When I was a little girl I was considered shy. I always felt like I grew out of that in my junior high, high school, and early college days, but it hasn't been entirely true.  I don't know what happened in the last couple of years that has made me revert back to my timid ways, but releasing this song has been a battle.  It's been a battle to make myself give time to record, mix, and master it. If it weren't for my amazing husband, I would never have finished the song.  He pushed me to work harder and finish it because he believed in me and the songs' message. 

When I first started doing music and releasing videos my sophomore year of college I did not feel so intimidated.  Maybe it was because I was just sort of experimenting and doing it for fun, whereas now I'm taking it more seriously and would like to make something more of it.  Either way, it's terrifying.  But knowing that my friends and family have got my back makes it that much easier moving forward.

So, thank you. Words cannot express my appreciation and love.

I may try and I may fail, but at least I tried.  That's all that matters to me. I already have a rich life living it with the ones I love and care about most.  At the end of the day, they are all I need to feel sustained.

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1 comment:

  1. Love this song, Mary. I'm definitely a person that needs quiet and alone time as well. Getting less of that now with Evie in the picture, but those small moments when she is in a deep sleep and I am able to go write in my journal or read for a bit between chores/eating/showering are great! Listened to the song just now and Evie was in her half-asleep mode after eating and she gave a sleepy smile. She approves. :)
